Saturday, November 5, 2011


Miscalculation of an alien inspired technology
Spinning into the voyage of never ending expansion
Dissolving into sounds of the flute and drones of this trip
This epicenter of waves
Sparkling and blinking
and concentrating, ready for implosion

Deafening sound and heavy explosion

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Its something
A split second
A change in phase
A shift
A walk through another dimension
Its there

Angry birds and flying arrows
Sleep aludes
Thinking of you
Unseen and unheard
In my mind

Stolen glances and piercing eyes
Sly smile and bedroom tales
Come down
Fall through
Will you save me?

Images and strange frequencies
Rainbow tricks and playing heads
Empty spaces and hollow dresses
Gaze and divulge
Choke and catch these words
Ghosts disappear now and then

Do you believe?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


There have been empty days and silent bells
And lost eyes and piercing nails

Unsaid words and probable ways
Something said but something meant

Hidden truths and sudden demise
Bounded by none, freedom within a premise

Friday, October 7, 2011

She wants revenge

Anger is good

Old drawing
Old spite

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hidden Places

Take me to hidden places
And forget me there

Time slows down

Mundane days

Little pieces of chalk lie down on the grass
Unsaid words of laughter fade away from the glass

Tiny tales of mundane days disappear from my head
Each year passes by but nowhere is it all straight

Would you like to play this game?
I cant disappear in shame

Random thoughts and lost days collected today

Another day
Another way

Monday, October 3, 2011

A conversation between lost and lost

Quote from wish you were here
"Running over the same old ground, what have we found...the same old fear"


She said said wish you were here...
i said...high hopes

guess i deserve it...i have dug holes for myself before

Encumbered forever, by desire and ambition
There is a hunger still unsatisfied
Our weary eyes still stray to the horizon
Though down this road we have been so many times

Been down this road many times
My hunger is yet to be defined
Something still unsatisfied too
Just surrounded by unsaid fears

Breezy rush of thoughts
Flowing hair into knots
Connecting eyes and a whisper of a smile
A lone stranger on the edge of a cliff

The madcap laughs
In her knotted hair
He smells deep despair
Ans wishes a kiss on her lips
He pushes her off the cliff
And when its time
He gets in line
For his turn to go
And join her down below

Feels fall two in a row
Feels drown another in this hole...

Thursday, September 29, 2011


freedom, numbness, undertow, wall, the wall, stopping breaths, not letting go, pile up, swallow, caged, hurt, breathe...


Saturday, September 24, 2011


its nice here
lets not go anywhere else
lets just stay here


as long as i am with you?

would you be there?

would i be there?

it just vibrates
you know
i can sort of hear it
it keeps pulsating
like in concentric waves

like heartbeat
is beating it

fall again
is this is dream ?
i seem to be flying

go again

will i die ?
who dies
do we all

i can feel it all around me
its like this strong wind
i am in the middle

can i see it?
i close my eyes

its gettin deeper
i havent felt lighter
my head is just full of nothing
only air

only nothing
only nowhere
but i cant
not now
i want to put a sign saying dnd
and i get back to being paranoid
and i just want to hang
over the seas of endless sight
and where nothing is beyond
but everything is out there...out there

these voices in my head keep talking to each other
like a conversation my head fails to understand
its too muddled
her voice merges with the air
i cant control it
its like my hands have a life of their own
its too fast
i cant seem to stop
there u go
i am queer
am i ?
wud u say that
what stands

what the fuck

take a step back
back turn around

its pretty ugly


its a dream past the actions of a...
i dont want to say it

i cant think no more
am i even thinking

m just lettin go

its all an experiment
on myself
i am the subject
i am the invention
i am the android
i am the man

it all ends right doesnt it?
what flows

None i think, none that i know of, maybe times may change. Maybe they would just swallow up and i would drown in that sea of the same people. All alike all the same.
I am mad to think i not different.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I was returning...from an eternity of confusion and claustrophobia of love...there was no sense in watering away my silent tears...all that with nothing to pay...i have fallen away...

Monday, September 19, 2011


I play with the shallow moon and kiss the windless sky...
i lean very low from the bridge of the river dry...
where kisses disappear and float mid air i want nothing but to cry..
a lil wine, a flick of light and shattering glass..
who will fill me when im dry
I m on a train again...alone...after a really long time...sudden disconnection with this place and all its heavy laughter and pain...away from the constant undertow...away from the faces familiar...away...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

There was a time
i couldnt say
never to go back again
dont know

can i feel again?

a candle in a dream
only to fade away
and die

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Never been there before

Slide away

Sunday, July 31, 2011

sometimes things occur in shifts and phases.
A slip

Sliding into a fall
a change in phase

a change in dimension
jumping across
and it all falls from underneath


just making it

it pulls me in
some silent bells ring
to make the noise of the unheard
it just rings in my head
telling me what i wouldnt want to hear

its just silent and mononous and

there was a time
when i couldnt think of it
when i thought

it goes from ear to the other
from left to right
there is no middle
where is the middle
this is crazy


cant u hear it?

Song in the background - Radiator Aphex Twin