Monday, October 3, 2011

A conversation between lost and lost

Quote from wish you were here
"Running over the same old ground, what have we found...the same old fear"


She said said wish you were here...
i said...high hopes

guess i deserve it...i have dug holes for myself before

Encumbered forever, by desire and ambition
There is a hunger still unsatisfied
Our weary eyes still stray to the horizon
Though down this road we have been so many times

Been down this road many times
My hunger is yet to be defined
Something still unsatisfied too
Just surrounded by unsaid fears

Breezy rush of thoughts
Flowing hair into knots
Connecting eyes and a whisper of a smile
A lone stranger on the edge of a cliff

The madcap laughs
In her knotted hair
He smells deep despair
Ans wishes a kiss on her lips
He pushes her off the cliff
And when its time
He gets in line
For his turn to go
And join her down below

Feels fall two in a row
Feels drown another in this hole...

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